The department employs specialists who carry out annual preventive and screening examinations.
Since 2011, a social and psychological service has been opened, which includes:
Conducting psychological diagnostics and providing individual or group psychological assistance.
Socio-psychological support of medical care, personal and social adaptation of patients in various spheres of life.
Conducting psychological trainings for the purpose of teaching self-preservation behavior.
Conducting information and educational events with coverage through the media, publishing booklets, leaflets in order to increase the psychological competence of various categories of the population.
To increase measures for secondary prevention in patients with newly diagnosed socially significant diseases, there are 4 Health Schools: the School of Arterial Hypertension, the School of the Coronary Patient, the School of Bronchial Asthma, and the School of Diabetes. In these schools, on the corresponding nosologies, patients receive information about the disease, receive practical skills.
Since January 2012 the “Nadezhda” club has been opened in the polyclinic for the elderly.
Classes in the club are held 2 times a week. Classes are quite diverse, the club’s specialists carry out exercise therapy, movement gymnastics, breathing exercises with elements of yoga. Every Thursday classes are held in the Laguna water park, dance and movement therapy, play therapy, elements of aqua aerobics, meditation, muscle relaxation, training in self-massage skills, non-surgical facelift, etc. are held in the jacuzzi. Also, round tables on mental health issues, the peculiarities of proper nutrition are held with the involvement of narrow specialists.
In January 2013. the “Return” school for stroke patients was opened.
The main tasks of this school:
Recovery of motor functions;
Recovery of speech;
Prevention of fixation of pathological disorders.
Psychological and social readaptation.
Currently, 4 psychologists and 4 social workers are working in the clinic.
Who are clinical (medical) psychologists?
The area of our professional activity borders between medicine and psychology, aimed at increasing the mental resources of a person and his adaptive capabilities, at harmonizing mental development, protecting health, overcoming ailments and psychological rehabilitation.
A clinical psychologist works with people experiencing difficulties in adaptation and self-development, creates optimal living conditions for them, has skills in psychotherapy, psychocorrection, psychological counseling, psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis.
The practical activities of a clinical psychologist include the diagnosis of health conditions, rehabilitation, disease prevention, counseling and the use of various forms of psychological influence.
We work for those who want to get pleasure from life, to learn how to enjoy each new day. For those who are ready to meet themselves.
So, when and for what psychological help you can contact us:
– emotional crisis
– stressful situations
– difficulties in relationships
– personality problems
– difficulties in self-realization
– Individual psychological assistance is indispensable in case of difficulties in family relationships, including parent-child relationships;
– Psychotherapeutic, psycho-corrective help of a psychologist is necessary to cope with depression, to survive loss, psychological trauma, in matters of codependency (when one of your loved ones suffers from a serious illness, is dependent on psychoactive substances, as alcohol, drugs).
– Group work together with a psychologist is also irreplaceable if you lack communication, are lonely, want to share your experience. Work in groups is mainly organized within the Nadezhda club, where there are already more than 80 participants.
We will help you not only to see the causes of the problems in a new way, but also to find fundamentally new ways to solve them.
Of course, you can do without consulting a psychologist. Just the help of a specialist simplifies a lot, saving you energy and saving time.
Seeking psychological help or not is up to you. But at the same time, it is important to remember that we are talking about the health of the most fragile and delicate thing that you have, about your SOUL.
We all strive for harmony, we want to be successful and just happy. But, unfortunately, situations happen in the life of each of us, the way out of which seems impossible, and all dreams and plans collapse like a house of cards.
The main tasks of the activities of social workers in the polyclinic are:
conducting a general diagnosis of the patient’s social situation at the reception, at home and determining the package of social services.
identification and selection of target groups (lonely elderly people, people with disabilities, dysfunctional families, patients with chronic diseases, etc.);
conducting social patronages to people from target population groups to provide them with social services, as well as to identify risk factors that contribute to the development and exacerbation of diseases. with the subsequent transfer of this information to medical workers for the timely organization and conduct of treatment in a day hospital, hospital at home;
participation in resolving issues of social support for the patient, guardianship and trusteeship (assistance in filling out requests, powers of attorney, issuing a referral for medical and social examination, to a nursing home and disabled people, boarding schools, adaptation and rehabilitation centers, special correctional organizations);
organization of work to inform the population about risk factors, prevention and consequences of socially significant diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms, HIV / AIDS, and others).