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Trending News:
Рак желудка и печени
Прошла беседа в общеобразовательной школе №4 для школьников
Семинар-тренинг для студентов КИнЭУ имени М.Дулатова
25 ноября Международный день борьбы искоренение насилия в отношении женщин
Lecture for students of grades 9-10 at the M. Gorky Gymnasium
Семинар тренинг для студентов Костанайского колледжа «ЗЕРЕК»
Семинар-тренинг в ОШ №19
Семинар тренинг в ОШ № 17
Conversation with schoolgirls in OSH No. 22 of Kostanay city
World AIDS Day
Training seminar at Kostanay Higher Medical College
Training seminar at secondary school No. 20
Lecture for schoolchildren in secondary school No. 25
Сахарный диабет
Training seminar in OSH No. 22
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls in OSH No. 6
Training seminar for students of Kostanay Higher Medical College
The action “Move to meet health”
“Diabetes under control!”, dedicated to World Diabetes Day
Diabetes mellitus
“Seminar-training at School-Lyceum No. 1 in the city of Kostanay”
Meeting with students of Kostanay Construction College
Семинар-тренинг в колледже КИНЭУ
Профиклатика туберкулёза
Акция «Путь к здоровью: репродуктивное и психическое благополучие»
STI prevention and adolescent hygiene
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls
Family Day
Региональный молодежный центр здоровья
The national program “Knowledge of traffic regulations – the basis of safety”
“Prevention of childhood injuries” at the gymnasium of S.Maulenov
“Prevention of child injuries” in secondary school No. 21
Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safety
Профилактика детского травматизма
Вакцинация против ВПЧ
Training seminar for employees of the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2”
Cеминар – тренинг для сотрудников АО «ForteBank»
О противодействии коррупции
Закон Республики Казахстан «О противодействии торговле людьми»
Breastfeeding Consultation
Training seminar for children
Prevention of childhood injuries
Объявление о конкурсе на занятие вакантной должности
Training seminar for children on the topic “Prevention of tick bites and body hygiene”
Training seminar for employees
О профилактике коклюша
Round table meeting
Reproductive Health Week
Охрана репродуктивного здоровья
День открытых дверей
Острые кишечные инфекции
Prevention of intestinal infections and body hygiene
Proper nutrition of children. Hand hygiene.
Тополиный пух – опасная забава
Head and neck tumors
Акция ко Дню защиты детей
World Asthma Day “Live without Asthma”
Summary of analytical information
Prevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettes
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls
Open Day
Рак кожи
World Day against Arterial Hypertension
Training on the dangers of heating electronic cigarettes and tobacco smoking
Prevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettes
Arterial hypertension
День открытых дверей
Training seminar on the topic “Prevention of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes”
Training seminar at the school – lyceum No. 1 Kostanay
Open Day “Mother’s Day”
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls
Prevention of STIs and hygiene of girls and boys.
Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people. Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents
Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritis
Girls’ reproductive health and hygiene
Prevention of STIs, hygiene of adolescents and young people. Prevention of skin diseases
STI prevention and hygiene for young men
Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritis
All that is in human power: saving lives with the help of immunization
STI prevention and hygiene for young men
Reproductive health protection. STI prevention and hygiene for girls
“Prevention of STIs among young people and adolescent hygiene”.
“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. Prevention of STIs”
“Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people”, “Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents”
“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. STI prevention, personal hygiene”
“Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of gastritis”
Lecture “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”
“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”
A conversation was held with schoolchildren of the gymnasium named after. A.M. Gorky
World Health Day Open Day.
Lecture on the topic “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”.
World health day
Unified 111 Helpline for Family, Women and Children’s Rights Protection
Prevention of suicidal behavior, gambling addiction, bullying and other forms of behavior
Youth Health Center
KSP “Polyclinic No. 2 of Kostanay city” of the health Department of the Kostanay region
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School for pregnant women, № 317
Club of the elderly»Nadezhda»
Top 10 questions compuisory health insurance
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Indications for calling a doctor at home
Patient rights and obligations
Memo for patients to call the emergency room
Everything you need to know about the coronavirus
Breast cancer prevention
Медицинские услуги
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Trending News:
Рак желудка и печени
Прошла беседа в общеобразовательной школе №4 для школьников
Семинар-тренинг для студентов КИнЭУ имени М.Дулатова
25 ноября Международный день борьбы искоренение насилия в отношении женщин
Lecture for students of grades 9-10 at the M. Gorky Gymnasium
Семинар тренинг для студентов Костанайского колледжа «ЗЕРЕК»
Семинар-тренинг в ОШ №19
Семинар тренинг в ОШ № 17
Conversation with schoolgirls in OSH No. 22 of Kostanay city
World AIDS Day
Training seminar at Kostanay Higher Medical College
Training seminar at secondary school No. 20
Lecture for schoolchildren in secondary school No. 25
Сахарный диабет
Training seminar in OSH No. 22
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls in OSH No. 6
Training seminar for students of Kostanay Higher Medical College
The action “Move to meet health”
“Diabetes under control!”, dedicated to World Diabetes Day
Diabetes mellitus
“Seminar-training at School-Lyceum No. 1 in the city of Kostanay”
Meeting with students of Kostanay Construction College
Семинар-тренинг в колледже КИНЭУ
Профиклатика туберкулёза
Акция «Путь к здоровью: репродуктивное и психическое благополучие»
STI prevention and adolescent hygiene
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls
Family Day
Региональный молодежный центр здоровья
The national program “Knowledge of traffic regulations – the basis of safety”
“Prevention of childhood injuries” at the gymnasium of S.Maulenov
“Prevention of child injuries” in secondary school No. 21
Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safety
Профилактика детского травматизма
Вакцинация против ВПЧ
Training seminar for employees of the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2”
Cеминар – тренинг для сотрудников АО «ForteBank»
О противодействии коррупции
Закон Республики Казахстан «О противодействии торговле людьми»
Breastfeeding Consultation
Training seminar for children
Prevention of childhood injuries
Объявление о конкурсе на занятие вакантной должности
Training seminar for children on the topic “Prevention of tick bites and body hygiene”
Training seminar for employees
О профилактике коклюша
Round table meeting
Reproductive Health Week
Охрана репродуктивного здоровья
День открытых дверей
Острые кишечные инфекции
Prevention of intestinal infections and body hygiene
Proper nutrition of children. Hand hygiene.
Тополиный пух – опасная забава
Head and neck tumors
Акция ко Дню защиты детей
World Asthma Day “Live without Asthma”
Summary of analytical information
Prevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettes
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls
Open Day
Рак кожи
World Day against Arterial Hypertension
Training on the dangers of heating electronic cigarettes and tobacco smoking
Prevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettes
Arterial hypertension
День открытых дверей
Training seminar on the topic “Prevention of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes”
Training seminar at the school – lyceum No. 1 Kostanay
Open Day “Mother’s Day”
Reproductive health and hygiene of girls
Prevention of STIs and hygiene of girls and boys.
Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people. Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents
Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritis
Girls’ reproductive health and hygiene
Prevention of STIs, hygiene of adolescents and young people. Prevention of skin diseases
STI prevention and hygiene for young men
Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritis
All that is in human power: saving lives with the help of immunization
STI prevention and hygiene for young men
Reproductive health protection. STI prevention and hygiene for girls
“Prevention of STIs among young people and adolescent hygiene”.
“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. Prevention of STIs”
“Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people”, “Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents”
“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. STI prevention, personal hygiene”
“Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of gastritis”
Lecture “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”
“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”
A conversation was held with schoolchildren of the gymnasium named after. A.M. Gorky
World Health Day Open Day.
Lecture on the topic “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”.
World health day
Unified 111 Helpline for Family, Women and Children’s Rights Protection
Prevention of suicidal behavior, gambling addiction, bullying and other forms of behavior
Youth Health Center
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Госзакупки (2023)
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Service area
Working hours of specialists
Screening and School of Health
School for pregnant women, № 317
Club of the elderly»Nadezhda»
Top 10 questions compuisory health insurance
Preventive actions
Indications for calling a doctor at home
Patient rights and obligations
Memo for patients to call the emergency room
Everything you need to know about the coronavirus
Breast cancer prevention
Медицинские услуги
Терапевтическое отделение
Pediatric ward
Obstetric and gynecological department
Department of Specialized Assistance
Department of Prevention
Day hospital
Clinical diagnostic department
Family Health Center
Patient Support and Internal
Photo gallery
Video gallery
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KSP “Polyclinic No. 2 of Kostanay city” of the health Department of the Kostanay region
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Working hours of specialists
August 6, 2024
Work schedule (obstetric and gynecological department)
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June 25, 2024
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June 20, 2024
Острые кишечные инфекции
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June 20, 2024
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April 11, 2024
“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”
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Школа здоровья
Patient memo
January 31, 2024
Организация работы отделения профилактики и социально-психологической помощи
January 31, 2024
График занятий по Школам здоровья
January 31, 2024
Patient memo
July 16, 2021
Patient memo
July 16, 2021