Trending News:Рак желудка и печениПрошла беседа в общеобразовательной школе №4 для школьниковСеминар-тренинг для студентов КИнЭУ имени М.Дулатова 25 ноября Международный день борьбы искоренение насилия в отношении женщинLecture for students of grades 9-10 at the M. Gorky GymnasiumСеминар тренинг для студентов Костанайского колледжа «ЗЕРЕК»Семинар-тренинг в ОШ №19Семинар тренинг в ОШ № 17Conversation with schoolgirls in OSH No. 22 of Kostanay cityWorld AIDS DayTraining seminar at Kostanay Higher Medical CollegeTraining seminar at secondary school No. 20Lecture for schoolchildren in secondary school No. 25Сахарный диабетTraining seminar in OSH No. 22Reproductive health and hygiene of girls in OSH No. 6Training seminar for students of Kostanay Higher Medical CollegeThe action “Move to meet health”“Diabetes under control!”, dedicated to World Diabetes DayDiabetes mellitus“Seminar-training at School-Lyceum No. 1 in the city of Kostanay”Meeting with students of Kostanay Construction CollegeСеминар-тренинг в колледже КИНЭУПрофиклатика туберкулёзаАкция «Путь к здоровью: репродуктивное и психическое благополучие»STI prevention and adolescent hygieneReproductive health and hygiene of girlsHemoblastosisFamily DayРегиональный молодежный центр здоровьяThe national program “Knowledge of traffic regulations – the basis of safety”“Prevention of childhood injuries” at the gymnasium of S.Maulenov“Prevention of child injuries” in secondary school No. 21Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safetyПрофилактика детского травматизмаВакцинация против ВПЧTraining seminar for employees of the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2”Cеминар – тренинг для сотрудников АО «ForteBank»О противодействии коррупцииЗакон Республики Казахстан «О противодействии торговле людьми»Breastfeeding ConsultationTraining seminar for childrenPrevention of childhood injuriesОбъявление о конкурсе на занятие вакантной должностиTraining seminar for children on the topic “Prevention of tick bites and body hygiene”Training seminar for employeesО профилактике коклюшаRound table meetingTuberculosisReproductive Health WeekОхрана репродуктивного здоровьяДень открытых дверейОстрые кишечные инфекцииPrevention of intestinal infections and body hygieneProper nutrition of children. Hand hygiene.Тополиный пух – опасная забаваHead and neck tumorsTHE CAMPAIGN “A WONDERFUL DAY TO QUIT SMOKING”Акция ко Дню защиты детейSmokingWorld Asthma Day “Live without Asthma”Summary of analytical informationPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesReproductive health and hygiene of girlsOpen DayРак кожиWorld Day against Arterial HypertensionTraining on the dangers of heating electronic cigarettes and tobacco smokingPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesArterial hypertensionДень открытых дверейTraining seminar on the topic “Prevention of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes”Training seminar at the school – lyceum No. 1 KostanayOpen Day “Mother’s Day”Reproductive health and hygiene of girlsPrevention of STIs and hygiene of girls and boys.Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people. Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescentsPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisGirls’ reproductive health and hygienePrevention of STIs, hygiene of adolescents and young people. Prevention of skin diseasesSTI prevention and hygiene for young menPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisAll that is in human power: saving lives with the help of immunizationSTI prevention and hygiene for young menReproductive health protection. STI prevention and hygiene for girls“Prevention of STIs among young people and adolescent hygiene”.“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. Prevention of STIs”“Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people”, “Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents”“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. STI prevention, personal hygiene”“Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of gastritis”Lecture “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”A conversation was held with schoolchildren of the gymnasium named after. A.M. GorkyWorld Health Day Open Day.Lecture on the topic “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”.World health dayUnified 111 Helpline for Family, Women and Children’s Rights ProtectionPrevention of suicidal behavior, gambling addiction, bullying and other forms of behaviorYouth Health Center
Trending News:Рак желудка и печениПрошла беседа в общеобразовательной школе №4 для школьниковСеминар-тренинг для студентов КИнЭУ имени М.Дулатова 25 ноября Международный день борьбы искоренение насилия в отношении женщинLecture for students of grades 9-10 at the M. Gorky GymnasiumСеминар тренинг для студентов Костанайского колледжа «ЗЕРЕК»Семинар-тренинг в ОШ №19Семинар тренинг в ОШ № 17Conversation with schoolgirls in OSH No. 22 of Kostanay cityWorld AIDS DayTraining seminar at Kostanay Higher Medical CollegeTraining seminar at secondary school No. 20Lecture for schoolchildren in secondary school No. 25Сахарный диабетTraining seminar in OSH No. 22Reproductive health and hygiene of girls in OSH No. 6Training seminar for students of Kostanay Higher Medical CollegeThe action “Move to meet health”“Diabetes under control!”, dedicated to World Diabetes DayDiabetes mellitus“Seminar-training at School-Lyceum No. 1 in the city of Kostanay”Meeting with students of Kostanay Construction CollegeСеминар-тренинг в колледже КИНЭУПрофиклатика туберкулёзаАкция «Путь к здоровью: репродуктивное и психическое благополучие»STI prevention and adolescent hygieneReproductive health and hygiene of girlsHemoblastosisFamily DayРегиональный молодежный центр здоровьяThe national program “Knowledge of traffic regulations – the basis of safety”“Prevention of childhood injuries” at the gymnasium of S.Maulenov“Prevention of child injuries” in secondary school No. 21Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safetyПрофилактика детского травматизмаВакцинация против ВПЧTraining seminar for employees of the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2”Cеминар – тренинг для сотрудников АО «ForteBank»О противодействии коррупцииЗакон Республики Казахстан «О противодействии торговле людьми»Breastfeeding ConsultationTraining seminar for childrenPrevention of childhood injuriesОбъявление о конкурсе на занятие вакантной должностиTraining seminar for children on the topic “Prevention of tick bites and body hygiene”Training seminar for employeesО профилактике коклюшаRound table meetingTuberculosisReproductive Health WeekОхрана репродуктивного здоровьяДень открытых дверейОстрые кишечные инфекцииPrevention of intestinal infections and body hygieneProper nutrition of children. Hand hygiene.Тополиный пух – опасная забаваHead and neck tumorsTHE CAMPAIGN “A WONDERFUL DAY TO QUIT SMOKING”Акция ко Дню защиты детейSmokingWorld Asthma Day “Live without Asthma”Summary of analytical informationPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesReproductive health and hygiene of girlsOpen DayРак кожиWorld Day against Arterial HypertensionTraining on the dangers of heating electronic cigarettes and tobacco smokingPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesArterial hypertensionДень открытых дверейTraining seminar on the topic “Prevention of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes”Training seminar at the school – lyceum No. 1 KostanayOpen Day “Mother’s Day”Reproductive health and hygiene of girlsPrevention of STIs and hygiene of girls and boys.Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people. Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescentsPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisGirls’ reproductive health and hygienePrevention of STIs, hygiene of adolescents and young people. Prevention of skin diseasesSTI prevention and hygiene for young menPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisAll that is in human power: saving lives with the help of immunizationSTI prevention and hygiene for young menReproductive health protection. STI prevention and hygiene for girls“Prevention of STIs among young people and adolescent hygiene”.“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. Prevention of STIs”“Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people”, “Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents”“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. STI prevention, personal hygiene”“Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of gastritis”Lecture “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”A conversation was held with schoolchildren of the gymnasium named after. A.M. GorkyWorld Health Day Open Day.Lecture on the topic “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”.World health dayUnified 111 Helpline for Family, Women and Children’s Rights ProtectionPrevention of suicidal behavior, gambling addiction, bullying and other forms of behaviorYouth Health Center
Cancerous lesions of the female reproductive sphere are among the most frequently detected tumors. But often tumors are detected at a late stage, when treatment approaches are significantly limited, the cancer has spread to neighboring organs. Today, there are methods of early detection of oncogynecology, but not all women are wary of their health and regularly undergo screening studies for early detection of oncological diseases in gynecology.
If we consider all malignant gynecological diseases, it is important to emphasize that cancer has different types and symptoms. Malignant cells can occur: In the cervical region, proceeding in stages – from cell dysplasia and carcinoma in situ, when the lesion is limited only to the superficial epithelium, to invasive cancer affecting all layers of cells, spreading deep. In the area of the uterine mucosa, forming endometrial carcinoma. Tumor cells spread into the body of the uterus and surrounding tissues, metastasize to the ovaries and lymph nodes, distant organs. In the ovarian body, cancer usually develops in the form of ovarian carcinoma. This is one of the most aggressive forms of genital cancer, it affects the ovarian tissues and surrounding cells, lymph nodes, metastasizes to the liver and lungs. In the vulva area, a carcinoma of skin cells occurs in the area of the vestibule of the vagina. Initially, the changes are localized in the surface tissues, gradually penetrating deeper.
Although the exact cause for most types of gynecological cancer has not been determined, hormonal imbalance is considered to be the leading factors contributing to the transformation of cells into a tumor. Usually this is a violation of the concentration of estrogen and progestogen hormones with a shift towards hyperestrogenism. Separately, the causes of development for cervical cancer are distinguished. It has already been proven that its development is affected by the human papillomavirus (HPV) of individual strains.
Although signs of cancer in gynecology can be determined in any woman, even if she does not have any problems with the reproductive sphere, there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of cancer: • overweight and obesity, since adipose tissue cells are hormonally active; • early onset of menstruation and its late completion, indicating hormonal changes; • anovulation (absence of the release of eggs from the ovaries). For cervical cancer, additional risk factors are considered to be a large number of sexual partners and sexual infections that increase the chances of HPV infection.
For cervical cancer, bleeding during douching, sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, increased urination, night pain in the lower back are typical. With an endometrial tumor, intermenstrual bleeding and spotting occur. If a woman has entered menopause, there may be bleeding without cyclicity, abundant watery discharge. The pain occurs in the later stages, spreads to the lower back, sacrum and pubis. With vaginal cancer, there are no initial signs, as the cancer develops, there may be discharge, ulcers on the mucous membrane, bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen. Vulvar cancer manifests itself as a neoplasm on the labia, burning, itching and ulcers with bleeding. The defeat of the ovaries does not make itself felt for a long time, it is detected during examinations. At a late stage, pain of an indeterminate nature is typical.
Screening examination for the detection of cervical cancer is a PAP test (cytological smear with the determination of cell type). If atypical cells are detected, minimal intervention and elimination of the affected area is possible. The survey is carried out every year in the period from the 5th day of the cycle to the 25th day. Extended colposcopy with targeted biopsy of the lesion is also shown. A laboratory examination of tissues from a suspicious focus is carried out.