Рак кожи


Skin cancer (PK) is a malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells. We are talking about the most common cancer problem in the world, which accounts for about 50% of all cancer cases. Possible manifestations of a malignant neoplasm are birthmarks, enlarged moles and long-term non-healing wounds.
The main predisposing factor for the development of skin cancer is prolonged exposure to ultraviolet sunlight. The cause is also radioactive radiation. Also, skin cancer can cause occupational hazards in contact with soot, tar, resins and arsenic
Skin cancer has the following primary symptoms that manifest visually:
• the neoplasm increases in size and becomes asymmetrical;
• the tumor changes shape, resembling a plaque or nodule;
• the formation thickens and acquires a purple, yellowish or reddish hue.
Over time, tingling and itching appear. A bleeding or wet ulcer appears in the very center, which can be tightened by a brown crust. At the same time, bleeding and overgrowth are observed.

Melanoma of the skin is a malignant formation of an aggressive nature, which develops against the background of the degeneration of some formations.
Among the main causes of melanoma (or rather, its spread) is the fact that the fashion for tanning is now in effect. People spend a lot of time in the sun without protective equipment, often visit tanning salons – as a result, the risks of malignant tumors increase greatly.
The danger of the disease is that the affected cells grow uncontrollably, there are more of them. And the malignant formation itself can easily be “lost” among the benign ones. Those areas of the skin where there are initially many benign formations are most at risk of developing melanoma.

Signs of the disease and features of development

The symptoms of melanoma include the following points:
• absence of skin furrows on the mole. The surface becomes smooth, as if glossy, mirrored;
• the growth of the mole in both thickness and width;
• peeling, dryness of the surface, the appearance of cracks;
• bleeding, the appearance of ulcers of different sizes;
• inflammation – not only in the area of the mole itself, but also around;
• various unpleasant sensations in the area of formations: burning, tingling, itching, etc.;
• seals under the skin, nodules.
It is not necessary that several signs appear. The first 1-2 symptoms of melanoma are enough to go to the doctor and undergo a thorough examination.


Prevention of melanoma implies that it is necessary to regularly examine all moles on the body and, if suspected, consult a doctor. It is also important to avoid damage to any neoplasms and protect the body from sun exposure.
Currently, an important preventive measure for cancer is screening of the attached population, which is now carried out in every polyclinic in the city. What is screening?
Screening is a preventive medical examination of healthy people of a certain age to identify risk factors and diseases in the early stages. Screening examinations help to identify the disease at an early stage or a predisposition to it, choose the optimal treatment and prescribe a set of preventive measures. Screening is also carried out for certain types of cancer or precancerous lesions. This is done in order to identify signs of the possible presence of certain types of cancer, or precancerous lesions at the stage preceding the development of symptoms. If pathological processes are detected during screening, patients are referred for further diagnosis to confirm or exclude the diagnosis, after which, if necessary, they are prescribed specialized treatment. The following recommendations for the population have been identified as an exception to risk factors:
• abstaining from tobacco use;
• maintaining a healthy body weight;
• a healthy diet including fruits and vegetables;
• Regular physical activity;
• abstaining from the harmful use of alcohol;
• exclusion of ultraviolet radiation (primarily as a result of exposure to sunlight or artificial tanning devices);
• passing a regular screening examination.

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