Heart Day

This year’s Heart Day is celebrated on September 29, 2023. The life expectancy of each person depends on the proper functioning of this most important organ. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death in the world. In our country, diseases of the circulatory system occupy the first place among the causes of disability.
Recently, cardiovascular diseases are increasingly affecting young people, although they used to be characteristic of an older population.
There are a number of universal recommendations that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. These are simple actions that will have a beneficial effect not only on the heart, but on the whole body and overall well-being in general.
Important prevention. Thanks to prevention, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing CVD in yourself. So, what events promise to help in this situation?
• Half an hour of physical activity. At the same time, training should be conducted five times a week. Remember that activity can be moderate.
2. The diet should include fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to consume no more than five grams of salt per day (one teaspoon). Be sure to control the portion sizes. Even children should eat right.
3. Active and passive smoking should be excluded, because in each of these two cases serious harm is expected.
4. Adults should carefully monitor the level of blood pressure, because it determines in many ways the risk of developing CVD.
5. Cholesterol and glucose levels should be monitored once a year from the age of thirty-five. However, if the heredity is unfavorable, checks are recommended to be carried out from the age of twenty.
Each preventive measure allows you to keep your heart in a healthy state and enjoy life.
Adhering to these rules, you can not only reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, but also improve the quality and duration of life. A healthy lifestyle, physical activity, regular medical supervision are the key to longevity and health of the human heart.

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