World Tuberculosis Day

Events dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day

“Yes! We can defeat tuberculosis”

       According to the World Action Plan for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, from February 24 to March 24, a month is held annually for Tuberculosis Control Day.

        The main task of the event is to inform the population about measures of personal and public prevention of tuberculosis, about the first signs of tuberculosis, about the danger and severe consequences of tuberculosis infection, education of joint responsibility for health, development of skills of self–preservation behavior, awareness of the need for mandatory preventive examinations. Recall the simple hygienic skills “cough etiquette”, “rules of hand washing”, get expert advice, the importance of conducting a Mantoux test, BCG, learn about new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

        In this regard, on 12-13-14.03.2024, Open Days were held in polyclinic No. 2 under the motto “Yes! We can defeat tuberculosis.” As part of the event, interested patients underwent a preventive examination by a phthisiologist, a therapist, and underwent fluorography. In the lobby of the polyclinic, conversations were held about the prevention of tuberculosis, about timely fluorography, and questionnaires to identify public awareness of tuberculosis. Videos on the prevention and early diagnosis of tuberculosis were broadcast.

        On 03/06/2024, a round table was organized in the polyclinic together with the phthisiologist of the Kostanay Regional Center for Phthisiopulmonology Zhumabayeva Z.E., explanatory work was carried out on compliance with algorithms for the prevention of tuberculosis, the implementation of indicators for the prevention of tuberculosis.

          The events of the month are also covered by the media. The Kazakhstan-Kostanay TV channel conducted a survey of patients on public awareness of tuberculosis.

          The questions of the channel’s correspondent were answered by the deputy chief medical officer Isembaev A.S. Preventive work on tuberculosis is carried out at all stages of admission to the polyclinic.   The polyclinic carries out information and explanatory work and measures for the prevention of tuberculosis with coverage on the website and on social networks.  All specialists conduct lectures, talks and participate in open doors.

         Also, talks, seminars, dictation, quizzes, and sports events on this topic were held in Secondary schools.

         In the enterprises of Kazakhtelecom JSC, the Branch of KEGOS Sarbayskie MES JSC, questionnaires and training seminars on tuberculosis prevention were conducted.

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