Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safety

Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safety”, prevention of accidents, prevention of road traffic injuries.
A reminder

for the student about a safe route and about difficult sections on the roads
Going out on the street, using transport, you often do not adhere to certain safety rules.
The main purpose of these rules is to save your life.
As a pedestrian, you should remember:
· intersections, high-speed sections of traffic, restricted visibility zones, ice are the most dangerous on the roads;
· do not cross the street at a red light, even if there are no cars in sight;
· cross the road after looking in both directions – first to the left, then to the right;
· you can only get off the sidewalk on the road, not run out;
· do not run out on the road because of an obstacle (standing by the side of a vehicle, a high snowdrift). The driver will not have time to slow down at your unexpected appearance;
· walk only on the sidewalk, if there is no sidewalk and you have to walk on the side of the road, choose the side on which cars are coming towards you;
· never count on the driver’s attention, rely only on yourself;
· without parents, it is best to cross the street in a group of pedestrians.


A reminder to parents on the rules of the road
1. It is necessary to teach children not only to observe the Rules of the road, but also from an early age to teach them to observe and navigate. It should be borne in mind that the main way of forming behavior skills is observation, imitation of adults, especially parents. Many parents, not realizing this, teach their children by personal example the wrong behavior on the road.
2. Being with a child on the roadway, do not rush, cross the road at a measured pace. In no case can you run! Otherwise, you will teach to hurry where it is necessary to observe and observe safety rules.
3. Do not send your child to cross or run across the road ahead of you – this is how you teach him to cross the road without looking around. A small child should be held tightly by the hand, be ready when trying to escape – this is a typical cause of accidents.
4 . Teach your child to watch! A child should develop a solid skill: before taking the first step off the sidewalk, he turns his head and examines the road in all directions. This should be brought to automatism.
5. You can start driving through the carriageway at the green signal of the traffic light only after making sure that all cars have stopped.
6. Teach the child to evaluate the speed and direction of the future movement of the car. Teach your child to determine which car is going straight and which is preparing to turn.
7. Teach your child to notice the car. Sometimes a child does not notice a car or a motorcycle in the distance. Teach him to look into the distance.
8. Firmly grasp yourself and teach the child that it is possible to enter and exit any type of transport only when it is standing. Explain to the child that you can not jump on the move.
9. It is impossible to go out on the road because of standing transport!
10. Make a “Itinerary” for the child from home to school. Remember, it is necessary to choose not the shortest, but the safest way. Go through this path several times with your son or daughter, make sure that the child has firmly learned this path.

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