Summary of analytical information

        On 05/24/2024, an open Day dedicated to raising awareness about skin cancer and melanoma was organized at the KGP Polyclinic No. 2 in Kostanay, which was held under the motto “Stop Melanoma!”. Where all interested patients (attached) received a consultation in the 503 office of the dermatologist Makhmutov G. M., without prior appointment.

         They also underwent screening and an examination room. Information materials on this topic were distributed in the lobby of the clinic and offices.

          We call on the population of the city to be jointly and severally responsible. It is necessary to contact specialists for any alarming symptoms, undergo screening and examinations on time, because the earlier cancer is detected, the easier it is to treat it, the more chances of success in its treatment.

Published: 24.05.2024 16:22
