Summary analytical information on traffic regulations

In order to implement the Concept of the National Program aimed at raising public awareness on compliance with traffic rules, on the prevention of road accidents, from September 1 to 10, the following work was carried out in the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2 of Kostanay city”.
Information on the topic “Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safety”, prevention of a traffic accident is posted on the official website of the Polyclinic, social networks (Instagram, Facebook).
Videos on the topic “Knowledge of traffic rules”, “Roads for life” were broadcast daily on the LED screens of the Polyclinic.
Information booklets and brochures were distributed. The child psychologist Temirbaeva M.T. conducted a questionnaire among the patients of the polyclinic on the topic of knowledge of the rules of the road.

From September 1 to September 10 of this year, thematic talks, lectures were held, as well as preventive measures were carried out with parents of children, with employees of the Polyclinic to strengthen knowledge of traffic regulations.

From September 1 to September 10 this year, thematic classes, parent meetings, class hours, conversations, quizzes, a drawing contest on this topic were held in Secondary schools (a total of 8 schools): “ABC of Traffic”, “Attention road!”, “Journey to the country of traffic regulations”, “Rules of the Road”, ” Red, yellow, Green”, “”Road signs”.

Police captain A.B. Beisenova and traffic police instructor K.T. Tulebayeva were invited to classes with children at the gymnasium named after S.Maulenov. They held lectures on the topic: “Rules of the road”, and together with the medical worker of the school, A.A. Bekeshova, they taught the rules of first aid.

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