Summary analytical information “Heart Day”

On 29.09.2023, an open Day was organized in the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2 of Kostanay”, within the framework of the World Heart Day, which was held under the motto “Heart for Life”. Where everyone could measure blood pressure, find out the level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood, find out the body mass index, as well as learn about healthy nutrition and the benefits of physical activity and get expert advice.

   Also, in the pre-medical and screening room of the department of prevention and socio-psychological care, nurses talked about how important it is to undergo a screening examination, find out your blood glucose and cholesterol levels, find out your body mass index and get recommendations on measures to prevent heart disease. Spare your heart – follow the daily routine, get enough sleep, every day – physical activity, giving up bad habits, learn to cope with stress, learn to cope with excess weight, less salt, follow the principles of a healthy diet.

The action was attended by journalists of TV “Kazakhstan Kostanay”, where they interviewed a therapist and visitors. They also took part in this action, where they were determined by the express method of cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

The purpose of today’s “World Heart Day” is to raise awareness of residents about cardiovascular diseases, prevention of coronary heart disease, brain strokes. Everyday life is impossible without taking care of your heart. An international holiday is dedicated to this important human organ.

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