Head and neck tumors

Head and neck tumors are a group of cancerous tumors united by the same localization, mainly developing in flat epithelial cells. Recently, this type of cancer occupies a significant part in the general statistics of morbidity in oncology. Tumors of the head and neck are more often diagnosed in men than in women, although today there is a tendency in women to increase the detection of this type of oncology. Thanks to the capabilities of modern medicine and highly qualified doctors, tumors of the head and neck are subject to successful and effective treatment.
Symptoms and signs of malignant tumors of the head and neck
Tumors of the head and neck are characterized by obvious symptoms that a person can detect on their own, suspecting oncology, and start treatment on time.

Pay attention to the following signs of the disease and, if they are detected, immediately make an appointment with an oncologist:

a wound inside the mouth or nose that persists for up to 2-3 weeks;
non-disappearing rashes or plaque inside the mouth or in the pharynx;
discomfort during eating (soreness or difficulty at the time of swallowing food);
distortion of the timbre of the voice or other changes;
persistent pain in the upper respiratory tract without signs of ARVI;
asymmetric pain in the ears;
local swelling or lump on the face or head;
local numbness of the soft tissues of the head;
Also, an alarm bell for the development of oncology, and in particular tumors of the head and neck, may be an increase in cervical lymph nodes for a month. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the causes of such manifestations and start treatment as soon as possible.

Causes of head and neck tumor formation

Risk factors for the development of oncology, and in particular tumors of the head and neck, are reduced to a combination of causes, such as age, the presence of bad habits, human papillomavirus, etc. But the main cause of the development of any tumor of the head and neck is considered to be chronic tobacco and alcohol addiction. Moreover, when these dependencies are combined, the probability of the disease increases many times.
Causes that provoke tumors of the head and neck:
chronic tobacco and alcohol addiction, tumors of the head and neck provoke not only cigarette smoking, but also chewing tobacco
gender, tumors of the head and neck are more often diagnosed in men
, age, people over 45 years old (both men and women) are more susceptible
to Epstein-Barr virus and human papilloma, the identification of strains of these viruses in the human body can become a factor affecting the formation of head and neck tumors
excessively long exposure to the open the sun during the period of strong UV radiation activity
, regular presence in a room with an increased concentration of harmful chemical elements in the air

Main diagnostic methods:

examination of the patient;
endoscopic examination;
biopsy (various methods are used based on the location of the tumor process);
x-ray examination;
screening of MRI, CT
Currently, it is considered that preventive measures can affect the spread of this disease. First of all,  this is the exclusion of risk factors and early diagnosis of cancer.  Early detection of cancer increases the likelihood of a good response to treatment, increases the patient’s chances of survival and allows the use of less expensive treatments. Currently, an important preventive measure for cancer is screening of the attached population, which is now carried out in every polyclinic in the city. What is screening?
Screening is a preventive medical examination of healthy people of a certain age to identify risk factors and diseases in the early stages. Screening examinations help to identify the disease at an early stage or predisposition to it, choose the optimal treatment and prescribe a set of preventive measures. Screening is also carried out for certain types of cancer or precancerous lesions. This is done in order to identify signs of the possible presence of certain types of cancer, or precancerous lesions at the stage preceding the development of symptoms. If pathological processes are detected during screening, patients are referred for further diagnosis to confirm or exclude the diagnosis, after which, if necessary, they are prescribed specialized treatment.

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