
    The problem of smoking in modern society is very acute, and not only smokers themselves, but also non-smokers suffer from it.  

     Smoking is a slow suicide, a harmful and dangerous habit that develops according to the principle of conditioned reflex. Each cigarette costs a smoker 15 minutes of life, and a cigarette with a filter costs 5 minutes.

     Some people believe that smoking increases mental performance. But the increased excitability of the cerebral cortex during smoking is quickly replaced by the suppression of nerve cells, which requires repeated tobacco use.

      Smoking harms the heart, so the heart rate of a smoker is 15,000 beats per day more than that of a non-smoker, and oxygen delivery to tissues and especially to the brain is significantly reduced, since the vessels are narrowed, plus carbon monoxide, which better “clings” to hemoglobin and prevents red blood cells from carrying oxygen. 

      Smoking is especially harmful for a woman. A young girl cannot help but notice that she has a cough (especially in the morning), hoarseness of voice, bad breath, skin becomes flabby, teeth turn yellow and in general the girl looks older than her peers.

      Due to the harm of smoking, the frequency of inflammatory diseases increases in women, which leads to infertility.

      Women who smoke, as a rule, age early, they prematurely experience sexual wilt.

Smoking is a habit that is repugnant to vision, unbearable to the sense of smell, harmful to the brain and dangerous to the lungs.

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