Arterial hypertension

      Arterial hypertension is a chronically occurring disease, the characteristic feature of which is high blood pressure. This is the most common pathology among diseases of the cardiovascular system. People over 40 years of age are at risk, most of them are middle-aged and elderly women. Men are also prone to hypertension, their disease is more severe. High blood pressure is accompanied by a tendency to plaque formation on the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, and disorders of cerebral circulation may develop.

      Blood pressure can rise even in healthy people. This happens under the influence of emotional overstrain. With the progression of hypertension, the pressure level may be high and requires medication. The main factor in the development of pathology is considered to be a malfunction of the sympathetic nervous system, due to the constant irritation of which a violation of regulatory processes develops, and all vital body systems (endocrine, cardiovascular, urinary) can suffer.

       The following factors lead to the development of hypertension:

  • nervous overstrain for a long time;

  • lack of physical activity;

  • increased body weight;

  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse or energy drinks);

  • irrational nutrition, when the menu is dominated by fatty, fried, salty, spicy, flour, sweet dishes;

  • Burdened heredity for cardiovascular diseases;

  • Age.

       The clinical picture of hypertension is nonspecific: complaints of headache, discomfort in the heart, heaviness in the occiput, dizziness, impaired vision, feeling of lack of air, tachycardia. The prognosis for hypertension may be unfavorable, the lack of treatment worsens the quality of life and may shorten its duration.

        Treatment is selected individually, according to the available deviations, taking into account age, gender and other individual characteristics.

        Remember that the disease is still easier to prevent than to treat. In case of hypertension, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor. A steady decrease in blood pressure, even with the right treatment, is achieved only after 3-6 months. We must not forget that the patient’s health is in the hands of the patient himself.

Be healthy!

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