Trending News:Региональный молодежный центр здоровьяThe national program “Knowledge of traffic regulations – the basis of safety”“Prevention of childhood injuries” at the gymnasium of S.Maulenov“Prevention of child injuries” in secondary school No. 21Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safetyПрофилактика детского травматизмаВакцинация против ВПЧTraining seminar for employees of the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2”Cеминар – тренинг для сотрудников АО «ForteBank»О противодействии коррупцииЗакон Республики Казахстан «О противодействии торговле людьми»Breastfeeding ConsultationTraining seminar for childrenPrevention of childhood injuriesОбъявление о конкурсе на занятие вакантной должностиTraining seminar for children on the topic “Prevention of tick bites and body hygiene”Training seminar for employeesО профилактике коклюшаRound table meetingTuberculosisReproductive Health WeekОхрана репродуктивного здоровьяДень открытых дверейОстрые кишечные инфекцииPrevention of intestinal infections and body hygieneProper nutrition of children. Hand hygiene.Тополиный пух – опасная забаваHead and neck tumorsTHE CAMPAIGN “A WONDERFUL DAY TO QUIT SMOKING”Акция ко Дню защиты детейSmokingWorld Asthma Day “Live without Asthma”Summary of analytical informationPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesReproductive health and hygiene of girlsOpen DayРак кожиWorld Day against Arterial HypertensionTraining on the dangers of heating electronic cigarettes and tobacco smokingPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesArterial hypertensionДень открытых дверейTraining seminar on the topic “Prevention of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes”Training seminar at the school – lyceum No. 1 KostanayOpen Day “Mother’s Day”Reproductive health and hygiene of girlsPrevention of STIs and hygiene of girls and boys.Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people. Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescentsPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisGirls’ reproductive health and hygienePrevention of STIs, hygiene of adolescents and young people. Prevention of skin diseasesSTI prevention and hygiene for young menPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisAll that is in human power: saving lives with the help of immunizationSTI prevention and hygiene for young menReproductive health protection. STI prevention and hygiene for girls“Prevention of STIs among young people and adolescent hygiene”.“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. Prevention of STIs”“Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people”, “Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents”“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. STI prevention, personal hygiene”“Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of gastritis”Lecture “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”A conversation was held with schoolchildren of the gymnasium named after. A.M. GorkyWorld Health Day Open Day.Lecture on the topic “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”.World health dayUnified 111 Helpline for Family, Women and Children’s Rights ProtectionPrevention of suicidal behavior, gambling addiction, bullying and other forms of behaviorYouth Health CenterWorld Tuberculosis DayДень открытых дверейA month dedicated to the World Tuberculosis DayColorectal cancerHuman papillomavirusFebruary 12 – International Epilepsy DayВнимание! Объявление!Summary analytical report “Life without cancer”Round table on oncological diseasesДень открытых дверейИмейте онконастороженностьГрафик школы здоровьяПроведена встреча с учениками 9-11 классовМолодежный центр здоровьяOpen Day dedicated to the International Week of Cervical Cancer PreventionДень открытых дверей “Рак шейки матки”Профилактика рака шейки маткиИммунизация против кори30-летие Поликлиники №2График работы прививочного кабинетаГрафик работы в праздничные дниAdditional mass immunization against MeaslesInformational and educational conversationsТоржественное собрание в честь Дня Независимости РКMEASLES AND PREGNANCYГрафик работы прививочного кабинетаПожарно-тактические ученияАкция _STOP ТУБЕРКУЛЁЗ!_Lung cancer
Trending News:Региональный молодежный центр здоровьяThe national program “Knowledge of traffic regulations – the basis of safety”“Prevention of childhood injuries” at the gymnasium of S.Maulenov“Prevention of child injuries” in secondary school No. 21Knowledge of traffic regulations is the basis of safetyПрофилактика детского травматизмаВакцинация против ВПЧTraining seminar for employees of the KGP “Polyclinic No. 2”Cеминар – тренинг для сотрудников АО «ForteBank»О противодействии коррупцииЗакон Республики Казахстан «О противодействии торговле людьми»Breastfeeding ConsultationTraining seminar for childrenPrevention of childhood injuriesОбъявление о конкурсе на занятие вакантной должностиTraining seminar for children on the topic “Prevention of tick bites and body hygiene”Training seminar for employeesО профилактике коклюшаRound table meetingTuberculosisReproductive Health WeekОхрана репродуктивного здоровьяДень открытых дверейОстрые кишечные инфекцииPrevention of intestinal infections and body hygieneProper nutrition of children. Hand hygiene.Тополиный пух – опасная забаваHead and neck tumorsTHE CAMPAIGN “A WONDERFUL DAY TO QUIT SMOKING”Акция ко Дню защиты детейSmokingWorld Asthma Day “Live without Asthma”Summary of analytical informationPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesReproductive health and hygiene of girlsOpen DayРак кожиWorld Day against Arterial HypertensionTraining on the dangers of heating electronic cigarettes and tobacco smokingPrevention of tobacco smoking and electronic cigarettesArterial hypertensionДень открытых дверейTraining seminar on the topic “Prevention of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes”Training seminar at the school – lyceum No. 1 KostanayOpen Day “Mother’s Day”Reproductive health and hygiene of girlsPrevention of STIs and hygiene of girls and boys.Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people. Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescentsPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisGirls’ reproductive health and hygienePrevention of STIs, hygiene of adolescents and young people. Prevention of skin diseasesSTI prevention and hygiene for young menPrevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Prevention of gastritisAll that is in human power: saving lives with the help of immunizationSTI prevention and hygiene for young menReproductive health protection. STI prevention and hygiene for girls“Prevention of STIs among young people and adolescent hygiene”.“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. Prevention of STIs”“Proper nutrition of adolescents and young people”, “Non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in adolescents”“Prevention of unwanted pregnancy among adolescents. STI prevention, personal hygiene”“Prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Prevention of gastritis”Lecture “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”“Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases”A conversation was held with schoolchildren of the gymnasium named after. A.M. GorkyWorld Health Day Open Day.Lecture on the topic “STI prevention and hygiene of young men”.World health dayUnified 111 Helpline for Family, Women and Children’s Rights ProtectionPrevention of suicidal behavior, gambling addiction, bullying and other forms of behaviorYouth Health CenterWorld Tuberculosis DayДень открытых дверейA month dedicated to the World Tuberculosis DayColorectal cancerHuman papillomavirusFebruary 12 – International Epilepsy DayВнимание! Объявление!Summary analytical report “Life without cancer”Round table on oncological diseasesДень открытых дверейИмейте онконастороженностьГрафик школы здоровьяПроведена встреча с учениками 9-11 классовМолодежный центр здоровьяOpen Day dedicated to the International Week of Cervical Cancer PreventionДень открытых дверей “Рак шейки матки”Профилактика рака шейки маткиИммунизация против кори30-летие Поликлиники №2График работы прививочного кабинетаГрафик работы в праздничные дниAdditional mass immunization against MeaslesInformational and educational conversationsТоржественное собрание в честь Дня Независимости РКMEASLES AND PREGNANCYГрафик работы прививочного кабинетаПожарно-тактические ученияАкция _STOP ТУБЕРКУЛЁЗ!_Lung cancer
Lung cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm. It develops from the bronchi, bronchioles and pulmonary alveoli. In men, it ranks first among other tumors. The main risk factor for lung cancer is smoking. According to various estimates, it is associated with 70 to 95% of cases of the disease. For smokers, the risk of cancer is 10 times higher than for those who do not smoke. The more cigarettes a person smokes a day, the longer he smokes, the greater the danger of getting sick for him. Smoking pipes and cigars can also lead to the development of lung cancer. Lung cancer is also associated with high levels of air pollution. It can increase the risk of cancer by 40%. In ecologically unfavorable territories, where the set of hazardous substances is significant, there is an accumulation of more activated carcinogens. Of the professional risk factors, work with aerosol harmful substances can be put in the first place: asbestos, arsenic, chromium, cadmium, nickel. The smallest particles of these substances settle in the lung tissue, damage cells and create prerequisites for the development of cancer. The threat of oncology is posed by chronic respiratory diseases: COPD, pneumofibrosis, chronic obstructive bronchitis and others. The risk is especially high if scarring occurs in the lung tissue due to the disease. At risk are: • smokers, • workers with harmful working conditions, • patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Symptoms of lung cancer The initial stage is almost asymptomatic, with the course of the disease the symptoms worsen, in the later stages they become unbearable. • Shortness of breath and paroxysmal cough. • Prolonged debilitating cough with greenish sputum or with blood. • Chest pain radiating to the neck, back, shoulders, which increases with coughing. • Hemoptysis with streaks and clots. • Drastic weight loss. Such symptoms may be signs of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. Therefore, if you suspect, you need to consult a doctor, undergo an examination. The appearance of severe pain and sputum with blood are signs of neglect of the disease. Indirect signs should alert: weakness, apathy, passivity, fever. The main thing is not to miss the initial stage of any lung disease so that the treatment is successful. The survey algorithm • Study of the function of external respiration (spirometry). • Radiography of the lungs in two projections. • Computed tomography of the chest organs. • Fibrobronchoscopy. • Ultrasound of the abdominal area and retroperitoneal space. • Cytological examination of sputum (3 times). • Determination of tumor markers (SCC, CEA). Prevention of lung cancer An important primary preventive measure is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, in particular the fight against smoking, proper nutrition and physical activity. Secondary preventive measures are clinical, aimed at conducting routine medical examinations of persons of various age categories. Simple, but effective ways to prevent lung cancer: • Refusal to smoke and stay in rooms where it is smoked. • Use of various methods of personal protection (masks, respirators) when working in hazardous production, contact with asbestos dust, varnishes, paint, harmful chemicals. • A balanced diet, eating foods with natural antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, greens). • Regular ventilation of the room. Without regular, thorough ventilation, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in the room, which enter the lungs and cause various inflammatory processes that can serve as a trigger for the development of a malignant neoplasm. • Movement. A sedentary lifestyle provokes the appearance of congestion in the lungs, which can also cause cancer. To maintain health, you should take 30-40 minutes of walking at a moderate pace every day – this will help improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, and reduce insulin levels. • Annual lung examination (fluorography, X-ray, bronchoscopy). • Treat and control chronic respiratory diseases.